Tree Surgeon in Bolton

tree surgeon in BoltonNot just any Tom, Dick or Harry can be a tree surgeon in BoltonIt takes skill and knowledge when the pruning of a tree is required. Anyone can take an axe or a chainsaw to a tree. If all you want is for the tree to be gone, that should be all right. That is if you consider where the tree may fall, and anticipate on what it might land. How hard can it be to lop off a few branches? And when a tree is too tall, surely you can just chop off the top? It is just a tree, after all.

In Bolton, tree surgeon services are surely not necessary, if you follow this train of thought. But beware the words of Alex Shigo, father of modern arboriculture: “Pruning is one of the best things an arborist can do for a tree but one of the worst things we can do to a tree.” He spent his life studying trees and his observations and insights changed the way in which gardeners take care of trees today. There are many things you can do wrong when you prune a tree. You can damage the health of your tree, and ruin its shape. Incorrect pruning can result in the wound never healing properly and your tree could become vulnerable to disease and pests. If you do not know what you are doing, you could do more damage than good.

The best thing to do when you need a tree surgeon in Bolton is to contact Greenkeeper Lawncare. They deal with all aspects of tree maintenance including tree felling, tree pruning, stump grinding, tree thinning and crown reduction. They have all the necessary experience and knowledge to see to any tree related issues. Their services are not only limited to trees, and they can help with anything to do with gardens and lawns. So next time you need to thin out some branches or your tree is taking up too much space, call in the professionals. A beautiful tree is an asset in a garden and it deserves the right level of care. For more information about a professional tree surgeon, contact Greenkeeper Lawncare.