Drainage Contractors in Leigh

Drainage Contractors in LeighAt Greenkeeper Lawncare we are specialist drainage contractors in Leigh. We often stand amazed at how little thought is given to drainage by contractors of buildings, playgrounds, sports fields, garden areas, driveways and patios. Most projects have to meet local codes but oftentimes that minimum is inadequate. The drainage system may be based on an average amount of managed volume and that works fine until the year of record setting rain and snow. Or, it’s okay until another project goes up nearby creating less open land for water absorption. For instance a large area of low lying soccer fields surrounded by open land have always drained well naturally. Turn the surrounding open land into housing developments and you get flooded soccer fields.

Sometimes building developments build on high ground and use retention ponds in low lying areas so gravity will manage the drainage. In Leigh, drainage contractors will be called in when it’s discovered that the retention ponds are not deep enough when rainfall is excessive. The water can start flowing backward and pumps have to be brought in. At Greenkeeper Lawncare, since we often design and plan sports fields and commercial landscaping, drainage is designed to function even in extreme or unusual conditions. Getting it right the first time and factoring in the unexpected can save a lot of future grief and expense. Whatever the ground project, skimping on drainage design and implementation will likely prove to be a mistake.

We at Greenkeeper Lawncare are qualified and experienced drainage contractors in Leigh. We provide a professional service that is in keeping with our understanding of successful groundworks projects. Our professional services as drainage contractors is not limited to our own projects. Our team is available to take on your project with the design and installation of a drainage solution specific to your needs. Contact Greenkeeper Lawncare for a no obligation quote on the drainage system for whatever groundwork you’re planning. Our work is guaranteed and we won’t be beaten on price. If you have an existing problem with flooding or water back up we can resolve that for you as well.